Friday, November 27, 2015

"Behind Stormy Clouds"  was painted in acrylics and plaster was used in the darker clouds.  As I was painting I started thinking of how beautiful God's creation is behind those stormy clouds. I think I can relate that if applied to life we may see stormy clouds but once they clear there is beauty beyond words. That is why we need to give the stormy clouds time, have faith and hope.

"Behind Stormy Clouds"

Friday, November 13, 2015

"Mary Ellen" was painted in acrylics inspired by a photo of my mother.  The painting is not exactly like the photo but many of the ideas were taken from the photo.

"Mary Ellen"

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The painting "After the Hunt" was inspired by an old family photo of my Great, Great Uncle Gene in the early 1900's.  I was a little taken back by the photo but at the same time drawn in.  It was interesting how he placed the animals over the hood of the car. Because of the grim nature of the photo I decided to do the painting in modern style.  It was done in acrylics and a little bit of fabric paint.  

"After the Hunt"