Saturday, September 26, 2009

Below are a few more fused glass necklaces modeled by my daughter that I plan to put in my Etsy store. They all have a leather color co-ordinated cord. They are all one of a kind.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The medium for this piece was done on a wooden platter. The wine bottle is melted. The bottle is topped with fused glass. The glasses are first applied with plaster then painted with acrylics and fabric paint. The grapes are also glass. It looks very nice on a stand. The platter is 24" by 14".

Glass art on Wooden Platter

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Below is a surreal painting of flowers on a pedestal with a rod iron fence in front. It was first plastered in some areas then painted with acrylics and fabric paint. Hanging low and close to the floor gives the appearance of a real pedestal standing there without taking up space. It is nice to place in a hall way. This is in my house and although it's quirky I placed a sun mirror above the painting to provide some sunshine.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Grant Park is in Chicago IL. The scene below is coming from the back part of the stage with the musicians facing the crowd and behind the crowd is the city.

It was painted with acrylics and fabric paints. The iridescent paint in the windows give it a true light effect.

Music in Grant Park

Friday, September 11, 2009


I am addicted to melting glass. I have an artist friend who is also addicted to melting glass. She specializes in tile art but like me her real love is melting glass. We sometimes do glass jewelry shows together. We converse by phone any new discoveries as every time something goes in the kiln something new and different appears. We feed our addiction by first having Tex-Mex for lunch a couple of times a month. After lunch we usually go to Hobby Lobby for art supplies and then venture to various stores looking for that special glass bottle to melt or glass in various forms to break and make jewelry. Since I started doing this everyone saves their wine bottles for me to recycle. Recently I started receiving all kinds of bottles and glass from my family and friends. I can't melt fast enough. I lay awake dreaming of what I am going to do with everything once it is melted. Now I am constantly on the lookout for different mediums to place the glass on to create beautiful mixed media art.

In the photo below a glass globe that was originally a shade for a chandelier magically became a candle holder. After it was melted the frost settled in just the right places for me to paint a candle that can be seen through parts of the glass. Acrylic paints were used. The flame is fabric paint and the upper part of the candle is wall plaster.